
Showing posts with the label environment

Waves of heat

Heat There's been a heatwave and very little rain these last couple of weeks. The press that I read has been very focussed on the pernicious and systematic nature of these heatwaves, clearly linked to climate change driven by human emissions, mostly of carbon. The Economist had two articles about it:   Today's heatwaves are a warning of worse to come , and   The increase in simultaneous heatwaves   which clearly set out the current set of problems and challenges ahead. The Guardian, naturally, also contains warnings about the situation, including a typical piece from the inimitable George Monbiot:   This heatwave has eviscerated the idea that small changes can tackle extreme weather ; and an Opinion piece on the public perception of what needs to be done, and the almost impossibly political predicament we're in:   The Guardian view on public attitudes to the climate crisis: burning for change It's all just politics? Deciding to do things for the environment, and...