Farewell to 2011

This isn't a deeply thought-through review of 2011, merely a list of a few personal highlights from an eventful year for the family...

Meeting up with the family in Istanbul to celebrate Dad's birthday

Getting married in the Heidelberg Standesamt

Having a second daughter (with complications soon thereafter, but all coming good in the end)

Enjoying two months' parental leave during an alas rather insipid Heidelberg summer.

Coming along with work, particularly the methods side (drawings change system) and DFMEAs. Not travelling too much or too widely, but still experiencing a blown taxi engine in Romania, seeing a little of Naples, Genoa and Maastricht.

Losing my passport just before Christmas.

Seeing Saab Cars disappear.

Enjoying a wonderfully relaxing Christmas and New Year with the family in Ipswich.

Roll on 2012!


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