Resurrecting Byword, Resurrecting Blogging

A title?

A blog post?

I’m an inveterate tinkerer with a seemingly innate inability to forget the tools and processes, to concentrate on the message, story or narrative that I want to impart.

So I’m no back to trying out Byword on the Mac - back to the rather appealing white text on black (well, a strangely relaxing but equally distracting washed-out green-black that highlights the backlighting system on the display, with all its patches of lighter and darker black, redolent of swimming in a lake with its warmer and cooler patches of water).

I still love the idea of distraction-free typing - but I keep on getting tied up with the mechanics of saving and exporting these markdown files.

EXCEPT: I’ve just discovered that Byword can publish to Evernote, which is rather a nice little feature, now that I think of it. And it can publish to Blogger… where I’ve had an account and a blog for ages.

So Byword really is right for tapping out those disjointed nightly thoughts (which I have allowed myself all too rarely of late).

Parentheses - the jotter’s best friend, a reader’s worst enemy.

And now… do you know what? I’m revising this note on my Surface tablet, in Markdown via Dropbox, gradually escaping Microsoft Office’s orbit once again (or at least continuing my potentially hopeless task of reducing my dependency on the giants of software, Microsoft, Google and the like.) All I need now is to see if this edit truly makes it back to Byword, to continue my light on dark theme fad of today…

By golly, it works, even if nobody can understand what I just wrote above. _____________________________________________________________

So if this document is to become part of my lifestream, what message does it contain? What clues to my person does it hide more than it reveals? Most likely hints of the permanent dreamer: someone who feels the desire to write - to lose himself in writing - but isn’t quite capable of entering that world fully in mind and body. Someone with too many thoughts parked in his head, all of them just slightly too amorphous to write down in any meaningful way. Someone suffering from - and enjoying too much - diversions manifold.


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